


Any error should fail the current process immediately with a non-zero exit code. Try to check as much as early as possible to fail as early as possible, if possible even before changing any files. Make use of the check action for this as it SHOULD get executed before the add and remove actions.

Addon Managers#

using STDIN in the addon managers#

The action binaries in an addon manager only accept a single YML file from STDIN. No other parameters should be needed.


Addon manager inheritance is a core feature and is used to simplify the required logic for each stack.

digraph pipeline { node[shape=box]; subgraph cluster0 { color=lightgrey; label="Addon Managers"; flavour->python; flavour->aldryn flavour->php; php->laravel; php->symfony; } }

It is a recommendation to place the 3 required binaries (add, remove and check) in a subfolder under bin and create symlinks to these binaries. For example, the fam-php-laravel should place its binaries under /bin/fam-php-laravel/add and create a symlink in /bin/add to the final location. This allows for a flexible structure for the different binaries during a complex inheritance architecture while also providing well defined locations for all binaries .

Example of the action binaries and symlinks of an addon manager called fam-aldryn which inherits from fam-flavour:

/bin/add -> /bin/fam-aldryn/add
/bin/remove -> /bin/fam-aldryn/remove
/bin/check -> /bin/fam-aldryn/check

Checking YAML files - rego#

It is encouraged to verify the validity of a YAML file prior to acting on it and fail in case the check does not succeed. rego can be used to validate YAML files early and you can already find examples of this in existing addon managers like fam-flavour.


Internals: installation high level overview#

This is a high level sequence diagram of all the actors involved during installation of an addon.

sequenceDiagram participant user participant CLI participant registry participant flavour addon manager(fam) participant project user->>CLI:flavour add divio/django CLI->>registry:resolve divio/django registry-->>CLI: data:addon_id CLI->>registry: get detail of addonversion by addon_id registry-->>CLI: data CLI->>CLI: figure out stack of addonversion CLI->>registry: get detail of stack registry-->>CLI: data CLI->>CLI: select fam of the stack CLI->>flavour addon manager(fam): call "add addon action" with addon.flavour on STDIN flavour addon manager(fam)->>project: change files to install the addon in the code project-->>flavour addon manager(fam):success flavour addon manager(fam)-->>CLI:success CLI-->>user:success